Friday, November 18, 2011

The World Wide Net of Interwebs

File under Useless Information

 I'm reading a really interesting book right now that i wanted to share.  It's called "Is the Internet changing the way you think? - The net's impact on our minds and future"  It is the result of this year's question posed via the project The Edge started in 1971.  Each year a question is posed to thinkers, creators, doers from all areas of thought and innovation.  This book is a compilation of the 100+ answers from people such as Steven Pinker, Nassim Taleb, Richard Dawkins, and Brian Eno.

It is a non-technical book that has made me think more about the past, the future, our place in it, and how we relate to each other, than anything else recently.

Just as the internet is a collection of information increasingly representing the whole of human knowledge and experience, this book provides THE answer to the question the title poses: Yes, No, Maybe, and I Don't Know.  In any case, it's the spectrum of ideas and opinions in the book and on the web that give us a true picture or answer to unanswerable questions.

And that may be the true value of our collective thoughts we call the Web.

The Weekly Theory
On a lighter note, i'm here at Disney in Orlando with my wife and our neice and nephew having a blast and i noticed something interesting.

I Have a Theory...

...that people watching at Disney World is nothing more than people watching at Wal-Mart but on a scale two orders higher.

Song of the Day
In honor of the feeling i get when walking into a Wal-Mart, the song of the day is the Animals' "We gotta get out of this place."  Side note, i have recently started to listen more to the Animals and find them a bridge band of the mid-sixties.  I hear a lot of early Beatles' in them but also the Velvet Underground.  Throw some feedback in this one and it could be a Lou Reed song.

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